Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We WON the EPA Grant for Green Housing!

Well Habitat friends, they did it! The OU College of Architecture won the $90K phase 2 EPA student competition for funding to continue the CEB green home construction of the Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity house. The team did a phenomenal job presenting the project in Washington and now we are on to the next step in building our greener homes.

In case you're just learning about this project, feel free to read our earlier post about it here: http://cchabitatforhumanity.blogspot.com/2012/02/going-green-with-compressed-earth.html

You can read more about the CEB project here: http://www.ou.edu/architecture/ceb.html

We can't wait to get it started!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Selection Now OPEN!!!

Our 2012 Family Selection process is finally open. We are starting our application classes at the end of this month. To learn more about applying and what criteria is required to be accepted, please visit the home ownership of our website.